Thursday, July 12, 2012

Screws, bolts and wrenches OH MY!

So I finally got started on it and put together our computer desk! :) Here it is!

Of course it's not a computer desk without a computer but I will be putting it on there soon. I just had to take a picture of it done! :) Didn't take me very long and it was fairly easy to put together, especially compared to my kitchen table. ha. This definitely made my day a productive one. I have yet to complete this whole room but everything is coming together. I will be getting a bookshelf, and some posters I got the hubbs that I am super excited for to arrive!! So far soooo GOOD!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Slow and Steady.

I am a few days away from driving 1400 miles to finally get back my husband after 6 months, and time CANNOT pass by any slower!! I am beyond anxious to have him back home. Since I am a SAHW  things get sooooo boring without him around. But then again even if I was working coming home to an empty house would suck! At this point the only thing that keeps me calm is reminding myself that a few days is NOTHING compared to where we stood in our countdown weeks ago. && the fact that I still have a couple of things to get ready around the house.

1. Put together new desk for spare/computer room.

2. Unpack rest of the stuff still in boxes.

3. Deep clean everything before leaving.

4. Pack for trip.

5. Make "Welcome Home" poster.

Hubs and I agreed that looking for a new home while he was away was a good idea. I have been super excited about this since I really wanted him to come home to a new home. haha. I thought it would be super nice to just have something set up by the time he comes back so the only thing we have to worry about is spending time together and starting our lives as a married couple!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My 101 in 1001

I came across this thanks to some ladies on MSOS and thought it would be a pretty cool experience. I wont lie I tend to procrastinate and I've never been a goal list-er, so thought that in itself was a mini goal to start me off. :)

101 Goals in 1001 Days
Start Date: March 26, 2012
End Date: December 22, 2014

Last updated: July 10, 2012

The Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.
The Criteria: Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).
Why 1001 Days? Many people have created lists in the past — frequently simple goals such as new year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

My 101 Goals

01/101 Goals Accomplished

Haven't started
In progress
Goal completed
My Goals.

  1. Enroll back to school.
  2. Take a math class with hubbs.
  3. Maintain a 3.5 from time I get enrolled till the end of this challenge. 

  1. Have a big wedding in Chicago.
  2. Write my own vows.
  3. Go on a honeymoon.
  4. Get my wedding band. :)
  5. Get a house.  (whether rent or buy)
  6. Have a photo shoot with hubbs.
  7. Go on a date to 10 restaurants that neither of us has been to before.(0/10)
  8. Have movie day/night with hubbs until we are done watching all the movies we have missed since he's been gone.
  9. Start a new Christmas tradition with my husband.
  10. Teach him fluent Spanish.
  11. Have our first Christmas tree.
  12. Have a baby. :)
  13. Take "We're pregnant pictures!" :)
  14. Put together a nice nursery for baby.

Body & Health
  1. Get a matching tattoo with my husband.
  2. Get my side piece finished.
  3. Get 3 piercings.  (0/3)
  4. Do Insanity with hubbs.
  5. Workout 3-5 days a week until I have reached my goal.
  6. Start running at least every other day. (cross off after 3 months)
  7. Find a skin regimen that works for me and stick to it. (Cross off after using 2 months)
  8. Give up pop for 100 straight days (with the exception of alcohol mix).
  9. Drink at least 2 glass' of water a day for 60 days.

  1. Travel to another country.
  2. Go to an actual beach not a man made one.
  3. Go to Disney World.
  4. Visit Arizona.
  5. Go on 5 road trips. (1/5)
  6. Visit 10 new states. (2/10)
  7. Take a random, not planned, at least for a weekend, trip.
  8. Visit mom for christmas if not possible go to Chicago and have her fly out there as well :)
  1. Go to a shooting range.
  2. Go ice skating.
  3. Go to a football game.
  4. Go to a baseball game.
  5. Go to a basketball game.  
  6. Go paint balling.
  7. Go to Six Flags.
  8. Go to  a museum
  9. Go to a water park.
  10. Go to the zoo.
  11. Go to a farmers market.
  12. Get on a ferry.
  13. Video blog a day in my life.
  14. Catch up on Army Wives. 
  15. Go to 7 midnight shows. (0/7)
  16. Go to Build a Bear.
  17. Take my husband to a City and Colour concert. 

Crafts and "stuff"
  1. Make a scrap book.
  2. Make 20 DIY from Pinterest.  (o/20)
  3. Complete the 365 photo challenge and blog about each.
  4. Answer 50 questions that will free your mind.
  5. Blog about goals completed. 
  6. Write down some of my favorite quotes and frame them. 
  7. Write out or print recipes of favorite meals/desserts and create a cook book.
  8. Decorate our house, from the color of the walls walls to accents. (cross off when satisfied with the result.)

 Food && drinks
  1. Learn to cook 20 new vegetarian dishes. (0/3)
  2. Learn to bake 20 new desserts. (0/15)
  3. Learn how to make 10 fruit waters like moms. :) (0/10)
  4. Learn how to make 10 smoothies. (0/10)
  5. Drink one every morning (cross off after 1 month, 31 days.)
  6. Learn how to make 10 alcohol drinks. (0/10)

 Finances (Spending and saving)
  1. Buy a new Ipod.
  2. Buy a new car.
  3. Buy a Mac laptop. 
  4. Buy a new camera. 
  5. Get all nephews and nieces Christmas presents. 
  6. Go furniture shopping at Ikea.
  7. Get a new xbox for my husband.
  8. Spoil him, go shopping just for him.
  9. Start a budget and maintain it.
  10. Increase savings by..(Private)
  11. Save 10% of each paycheck
  12. Pay off car.
  13. Pay off two other bills. (0/2)
  14. When I get the urge to go shopping pay off a bill with that money instead, three times. (0/3)

  1. Run for charity organization.
  2. Donate $200 to a charity organization.
  3. Volunteer at an animal shelter.
  4. Donate 200,000 grains of rice.

  1. Make 2 new close friends. (1/2)
  2. Do something randomly nice for my sisters.. all 5 of them. (0/5)
  3. Get my mom flowers just because.
  4. Leave sticky notes all over the house with sweet things for my husband for 31 days.

Personal and Spiritual
  1. Let my hair grow past my boobs.
  2. Learn a new language.
  3. Learn how to swim.
  4. Have a day at the spa.
  5. Renew my passport with new last name. :)
  6. Get my license!
  7. Get Invisalign.
  8. Read 1 book a month for 12 months. (1/12)
  9. Learn a new word everyday for 60 days. (0/60)
  10. Learn to ride a motorcycle. 
  11. Learn to tie a tie.
  12. Learn 5 new prayers. (1/5)
  13. Go to church every Sunday. (Cross off after 2 months)
  14. Read an inspirational book, whether about self or marriage.