Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Slow and Steady.

I am a few days away from driving 1400 miles to finally get back my husband after 6 months, and time CANNOT pass by any slower!! I am beyond anxious to have him back home. Since I am a SAHW  things get sooooo boring without him around. But then again even if I was working coming home to an empty house would suck! At this point the only thing that keeps me calm is reminding myself that a few days is NOTHING compared to where we stood in our countdown weeks ago. && the fact that I still have a couple of things to get ready around the house.

1. Put together new desk for spare/computer room.

2. Unpack rest of the stuff still in boxes.

3. Deep clean everything before leaving.

4. Pack for trip.

5. Make "Welcome Home" poster.

Hubs and I agreed that looking for a new home while he was away was a good idea. I have been super excited about this since I really wanted him to come home to a new home. haha. I thought it would be super nice to just have something set up by the time he comes back so the only thing we have to worry about is spending time together and starting our lives as a married couple!